Sport Teams Uniforms
Beitar Ma’aleh Adumim Soccer Club Beitar Ma’aleh Adumim has 20 children playing in its soccer club. The children practice twice a week and participate in matches against other teams.
The boys have been outfitted with both a winter and summer set of uniforms along with a tote bag and soccer ball. All this has been made possible with the generous assistance of the COEFI organization.
COEFI is a group of Dentists and academics. Headed by Mr Zetoun Herve the COEFI group does a great deal towards improving the welfare of at risk and underprivileged children around the world.
The group has been supporting the Yadid LaYeled Foundation for a number of years, providing funds for food, and offering opportunities for the advancement of needy children.
A donation of sports uniforms offers the needy and at risk children a chance to develop their inherent existing potential and to be just like any other child. These children feel great and no different to other kids their age, thanks to COEFI.
The Foundation wishes to express its gratitude to Dr. and Mrs. Lombrozo. It is thanks to them that we have been able to liaison with the relevant body that gives us the strength to carry on helping the children in the community.